Wednesday, October 7, 2009

clicker dog training for your puppy

Clicker dog training is an excellent way to start training your dog from when they are very young. It is one of the few training methods that can be used with young puppies.

So get started Clicker dog training your puppy now!

The clicker is simply a device that creates a consistent, but unique sound that your dog can recognize. The click is be used to mark a certain type of behavior and if the behavior is good, a treat will follow. The treat needs to be a little food snack plus praise from you and eventually you will be able to drop the food treat as your dog will be happy with praise. This allows the dog to recognize when they have done what you want them to and remember the sound and treat in the future. By using the click dog training system, your dog learns quickly and will be much more responsive to you.

The clicker dog training system is better than training a dog using voice commands because the device will generate a consistent sound that will always be the same. Whereas your voice can change with your emotions and tone, sending mixed signals to your dog.

So, if you are angry at your puppy, this emotion will transmit to him in a negative way. Your puppy will be able to hear the sound of the clicker device above the surrounding sounds of the everyday environment, which makes it ideal for using in the park.

The best thing about clicker dog training is that it doesn't involve any kind of punishment or force to work so the entire training process is much more pleasant for you and the dog.

Some training methods rely on devices such as choke collars or sprays to discipline the dog. The clicker dog training system doesn't rely on any of these methods. This is even more of an advantage if you have children because they can take part in the fun games and even play a part in training the puppy themselves which will be great for developing their own confidence in handling the puppy.

Having your children work closely with your puppy when they are still young is an excellent thing to do. The clicker system can be used on puppies when they are only a few weeks old with some excellent results.

For more information and an excellent start up pack go to Clicker Dog Training

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